Sunday, December 7, 2008
Tired...wanna break out! BrEaKoUt - - - !!! ***
At this very moment...I am total worked out and I so much long for a holiday...a holiday where I get to sleep 20 hours out of the 24 I get in a day ;) But we all know its not its like I am getting on...
I just also wanna say that all people I am missing and I know I got duties to fulfill...sorry for not being there when I know I should be...but I am really helpless...I just hope you may understand...right now I dont even have a computer to connect to my lovely friends...(the comp. I am currently at stinks! it closes itself every 15 mins..No wonder just 22 blog enteries in 2 months...) Anyways, sorry Hogwarts, IF, Orkut, Fb, Dtv and loads more places specially Varaj and this blog...I promise to be back as soon as I can...
Life now is hard - exams approaching, so school's a hell already, Narayana people dont spare a moment to take a class - imagine a 4 hour long class of maths on a Saturday!!
I know its cowardly to talk of miseries but I mean this - I will be back...I miss you all...
for now, all I have is this amazing song - one of the sole relievers of stress with me at the moment and it does convey what I wanna say!!
Every week's the same
Stuck in school so lame
My parents say that I'm lazy
Gettin' up at 8am's crazy
Tired of bein' told what to do
So unfair, so uncool
The day's too long
And I'm holding on
Til I hear the bell ring
'Cause that's the time when we're gonna (time when we're gonna)
Let the party start
We're gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We're gonna dance
Til the dance floor falls apart
Uh oh, all over again
We're gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We're gonna have some fun
Gonna lose control
It feels so good
To let go oh oh (go oh oh)
Hangin' out
Just somethin' we like to do
My friends and the mess we get into
These are the lessons that we choose
Not a book full of things we'll never use
The day's too long
And I'm holding on
Til I hear the bell ring
'Cause that's the time when we're gonna (time when we're gonna)
Let the party start
We're gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We're gonna dance
Til the dance floor falls apart
Uh oh, all over again
We're gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We're gonna have some fun
Gonna lose control
It feels so good
To let go oh oh (go oh oh)
Wish it would never end
Spending time with my friends
Oh with my friends
Let the party start
We're gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We're gonna dance
Til the dance floor falls apart
Uh oh, all over again
We're gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We're gonna have some fun
Gonna lose control
It feels so good
To let go...
Let the party start
We're gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We're gonna dance
Til the dance floor falls apart
Uh oh, all over again
We're gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We're gonna have some fun
Gonna lose control
It feels so good
To let go oh oh (go oh oh)
Ps - All songs of BreakOut rock!! You really outta listen to them if you havent!
Monday, November 24, 2008
My Teachers...
Just a couple of hours back, someone came down to argue with me that teachers especially maths teachers are crazy…degree of craziness might vary. Well this chap is my Maths teacher himself. I know I argue a lot and it makes no sense writing it all down, but there was stuff I wanna write…
There are things I donot stand and one of the main ones are – my teachers. I never willingly or knowingly have insulted my teacher. Atleast tried my very best to restrain myself which wasn’t hard as its very rarely that I have been angry on a teacher.
The reason being – my teachers / our teachers are so sweet…Just imagine that a person leaves his / her family behind and bees your guardian for 7 – 8 hours a day. Its their knowledge that they share with you. Honestly, it wont matter them if you know Newton’s laws or not, yet they care for you.
They treat you like their own children, and whenever you are upset, they do know it.
They know when you feel what…and it’s scaringly true that they can look inside your brains as well. Trust me, I have tried it.
Moreover, not just time and knowledge, they devote themselves too. Earlier I used to think all a teacher needs to do is teach and check papers but trust me its a lot more than just this much. They do a lot more things than just what we see.
Also, they do have their own personal lives to see to…
One more thing – aren’t the teachers devoting their time and life to make life and the world better. They educate the young souls of the world and make them better indivisuals and indirectly make the world better each day.
Now if someone is so sweet, how can I ever say something bad about them? Tell me??...So I even hate those who speak bad about teachers and I say and I shall always do that all my teachers are fantastic. They may not be very good as teachers for there is lack of communication between them and the students but they definitely are very very very very very very very good human beings and I love and respect them all regardless of all the facts!!
A very sweet person quoted it to me (us) recently that ‘change is the only thing permanent however we still resist it’…aint that true?? Its so simple and yet so deep! This is the most obvious thing of life except the fact that we shall all die one day.
Now about this – life changes as objectives change. Just the other day I was arguing with someone that its actually people in our lives who change our life or say make it the way it is. The person I argued with kept saying that no its time…perceptions change with time and then life changes…
However, I shall still say what I did to him – as a junior school kid, life is so different. We are under parental protection and no matter whatever the problem is or however big it may seem to us, our parents and elder siblings are there for us always. Then in class 9 – 10, again things are different. We are moulded in a way to face something national level. We learn new things and learn to think on that level…
Then Class 11 – 12, life changes even further. I donno about others but the most drastic change in my life came when I came to class 11 (and mind you I am still there)…so much to study…just study and also live life as this is the age…
But if you can clearly see, life changed in these stages because of addition of new people. In class 9 – 10, we get new teachers who motivate us. Our relatives, family and friends all have their expectations. Its that which changes us. Further in class 11, we meet even more new teachers who have a completely different view of education and life and so with them we further change.
If you see clearly…aint it the people who affect you? We do things because our friends like those… so friends affect us.
I think getting into a college, getting a job and getting married are the 3 stages where life changes drastically. Even here because new people meet us.
When we enter a new college / school, we make so many friends, who affect us. When we get a job, again a whole new world comes to contact…and when we get married, I like to put it that the no. of people we know, doubles. Each relation doubles as one of ours and one of our spouse…
Anyways, back to the topic…people shall never stop coming into our life – some good, some okie, some bad…but all of them will have drastic effect on us…the change is therefore constant but being a human, I know that I shall never be able to accept it.
Well while talking to my friend - Shinjan (Tannu), I thought of something...and trust me the thought is just too sweet! And the thought is - that you don’t really need to be a poet or for that matter of fact even an author, for writing a poem or prose...All you truely need is the feeling - if you can feel can definitely pen it down!
So the core of the discussion is that feelings can sometimes be so strong that you don’t even realize that you have gone far with them without even knowing and trust me this is the best thing I love about feeling anything!
I feel indeed I think with my heart only…whatever’s there in my heart comes on my face or through my mouth…someone told that its not good to feel so much…and we must all think but little bit only. But you see I don’t agree to this at all!
I mean I agree sometimes taking something to the heart can be dreadful and you feel so bad…and tears fall but you see those tears are also so special… If those tears weren’t in my eyes…possibly I wont ever be able to measure the extend of happiness to its true sense! It is honestly because that we feel bad that we can measure the happiness and live it to its fullest… and trust me – try that! It works… When we cry, all sadness goes outta your heart and all that is left behind is the beautiful memories which are only yours and no one can take them from you… when we cry, we aren’t being weak, we are just purifying memories!!!
Emotions are so sweet! I read somewhere –
“love someone and see how beautiful the world is… be loved by someone and see how wonderful things are!”
And this is really true…there is nothing better than liking someone – try it…you are owner of your own will and so you can like anyone… I like atleast 50 – 100 people in this world. More than half of them don’t even know me (but I like them cause I know they are good people) but you see by merely liking them things have changed drastically…
Say is you are a Harry Potter fan…you tend to celebrate 31 July…it gives you one more day to celebrate…to be happy on and loads more…so when you like someone, you tend to share all their happiness to the equal amount but your tears get shared and lesser…
Well…anyways, all I wanna say is that next time you think you wanna feel something go ahead… and if you are feeling something…take a pen and do whatever you can with it – write an article, blog entry, poem or maybe just an abstract…and I can bet it will be the most beautiful thing you would have ever seen… And in case you don’t feel it today…then see anyone around you whom you meet often – friends, relatives, aunts, uncles, teachers…or anyone and observe them… how they are so different and eventually see that they are good people… you can this way make a new frnd almost each day!
So -> stop thinking…and start feeling!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Ps : I love you
Okie I know this is title of a book but its so sweet that I cant help writing this as a title of one of my blogs...okie the blog is not about the book but about ofcourse .."that thing called 'love'.."
I just read a book called 'Dear John' by Nicholas Spark and that book taught me something really magical...
Not going much about that book but only the necessary things that while I was reading the book, alot things too happened in my life. There is a person who means alot to me...a friend for whom I can do anything but I guess I am not that special to one day he said cause I get miserable myself sometimes therefore I make things difficult for people around me too... I know he meant all good and he is correct - I dont deny that but at that moment what all matter was - I asked him "Do I make life miserable to you too?" and he didnt say yes but ofcourse I knew the answer...
I thought alot about it - duh! I think too many things...and well the answer was that "cause it is in giving not in taking" ... I shall always be by him and I know he is there for me - my really sweet friend...
so all I should say is that you can love / like anyone in the isnt just physical...adoration can also be love! indeed it is...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Kishore Kumar - the wonder voice
Well I was just listening to one song by Kishore da - rim jhim gire sawan; when I couldnt help thinkin for a 100th time that Kishore Kumar is a rockstar...
I heard someone once quote that singing is 'something done with the ease with which we breathe...' and a good singer is the one who can sing with that ease...and trust me whenever I listen to Kishore Kumar's song...I cant help thinking what great singer he is...
He truely has a golden voice and the way he can sing the most difficult of things with great ease is what makes him just a heart throb.
He has sung all types of songs possible - love duets, sad solo, rock and roll, happy and all kinds you can imagine and trust me it is next to impossible (to the side away from possible) to find faults in his singing... its ust flawless...
Some of my favourites are by Kishore Kumar like I said 'rimjhim gire Sawan' and whenever I listen to it...there cant be a better pleasure to my ears ever again! I know I keep on saying that he is a marvel but I cant help saying so. Its really unfortunate that we dont have such a person with us today but trust me he shall never truely die... he will always live to rule the hearts of million with his golden voice...
Towards the end, trying not to bore you all much bt seriously I am out of words when I need to speak about him. I find myself blessed to have ever heard his songs and once again - he rocks!
Concluding with some of his great lines -
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Well, this is probably the most special thing - special to me and closest to my heart; that I will be writing on the blog. Here I will write about all the amazing people I come across in my life...
Firstly, see I believe we must all appreciate whatever we can...I mean life's short...and we must see if there is a good deed being done, never think twice...bump into it and help in all ways you can and if you see someone else doing a deed...never think even once...go and tell him / her how you appreciate it...
"when you take hours to enjoy something, give a few minutes to few words of thnks!"
From the day I heard / read this quote, I follow it... whenever I think I need to say something to anyone...I just go and tell it...
In the process, there are many things that I come across and trust me today I will never accept that the world is bad or even anywhere near to bad...because I know so many people who are so good at heart that they make this Earth a better place to live in by their mere existance...aint this really good? arent these people real sweethearts?? And so whatever good or bad...I want the world to know them...the people I treasure...
I also want to say this that these people - I will remember them throughout my matter where I am, how I am or what I am...they shall always be so dear and special to me and I will always pray that they are happy! I just hop they be blessed always...we maynt talk I want them to know that I CARE!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
dil ko mere deewana kar dala...
Okie...this is dedicated to someone...a person whom I donno why I feel for! But I hope one of you might be able to temme after reading this!
Definitely, one day I will tell you all about him in a better way but for now all I want to tell is that I just met a person completely opposite to me and we talked...actually argued...alot! And slowly what I realised was that he isnt completely opposite to me but he is so similar to me that it felt like seeing myself in a mirror...
Sharing same believes, thoughts, faiths, actions... is not the only thing... we almost share the same destiny! And above all - we think the same for each other - scary isnt it??
Well see, I accept that I am a very childish person but I really cant help it...I love the way I am! I have my own beliefs and faiths and trust me you cant shake them... and there are times (many times) when I do get hurt... I get shattered... hopes die and what not because I tend to get rigid with my faiths and beliefs but thats completely fine with me. I mean even when in depression, I have learnt to seek a way out...
Now this guy who is scarely just my masculine part - I guess too went through all this. And he thought a solution which I donot disagree that even I use sometimes - to change yourself completely.
Yes there are times when I forget myself completely to get adjusted with people or just remain silent as to disapproave things even when you cant help them happening bt I am not at all strong enough to have a permanent change...but this guy is!
He has changed himself completely and I hate this. He is amazing even today but changing yourself for anything isnt done!
Now the problem with me is - I cant help thinking of this guy. Though he has violated 2 of my very strong wala beliefs...still! No idea why do I find him good...
Its actually like in the picture above...hes a shadow...
One of the best people I happen to know in my life and tell you a secret - I argue alot with him... and I see changes! And am so thrilled about it... he has started to say things contradictory to those said by him earlier... I donno why am I doing it... well am doing it cause my heart says so...and why my heart says idea!
To be honest - all I can say is - he is a wonderful person to know and one person that I will never forget in my whole life! God Bless him!
Ps : When I say I love him I mean I love him as a person! Love to me has a 1000 meanings atleast. This is one of them. Here love means I love listening to him, talking to him, helping nt waisa wala like Romeo felt for Juliet! :)
He Said (part 2)
how can these be trusted?
if he himself doesnt walk on them with me...
why should it be me alone?
Why didnt...
he say...
the truth?
why didnt...
he show...
it the way he felt?
why did...
he take me one to day to where its hard to live?
even though there cant be a better paradise...
I really cant here survuve!
I am yet happy
cause I think I made a difference...
for which I paid more than just a price
shattered my heart and dreams
punctured my dreams, that were so high...
but he said...
he's happy now!
He showed...
he's in the world he wanted to be in!
He took...
away his miseries from his life...!!
filling my broken heart with smiles!
No idea whom to trust...
I dont know whats the best...
I donno why it feels...he's not so fine...
- the same man who made me shine.
He wont today...
show... or
me to the answers I desire...
but leave me as I am...
to be what I want...
and so let it be -
cause maybe it's just what...
He said!
To He,
I love you! I shall always do but I got no clue why my thoughts say you arent right. What you did cant be repented... Maybe you didnt do it...then why do I feel you did?? Why??? I want the answers but I have left them to destiny and am moving on cause you had once said! Love,
Well, this is say part 2 of the poem... I was upset that day and I felt writing it and I did...thats it!! I think I do know the 'he' and I must say that I love him alot. He is a great person to know - always making me smile and forget all my worries bt there is something still wrong about him bt donno why still I say he is good...anyways, hope you liked it!
Start of something New!
Well...I opened this blog nearly a month back and if you browse through, I have posted things as well - poems that I wrote (by fluke) and also part of the article I want the world to see but you know today I went through a blog of a friend and realised that my blog needs to be something more than just collection of things by should be my thoughts and not just those which I want to share but also those which I dont mind sharing! :P :)
And I am...trying to start a new thing - writing things I strongly feel for - and trust me there are hundreds of them!
Thoughts - well to say about them - I love thinking and trust me the whole world knows it! hahaha... I think about almost everything - social causes, politics, stories, events and above all people... I simply must say that I love thinking and analysing people. No I am no pschycologist and I cannot read minds (like some people can) but till date I havent made a wrong conclusion about someone. If I say a person is good then he / she is good no matter what the thing is! Now thats a different thing that there is a guy about whom I havent made mind but for the rest of the world this stands true...
Lets not make this too long and I just hope that all my thoughts could help someone or other and if I could make any difference, in any manner to any one...I will be really happy!
Love and Regards
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Rockstar : Hannah Montana
Sometimes I walk a little faster
In the school hallway
Just to get next to you
Some days I spend a little extra
Time in the morning
Just to impress you
[PRE 1]
Guess you don't notice
Guess you don't need this
Why you're not seein' what you're missin'
On the outside shyin' away
On the inside dyin' to say
I'm unusual
Not so typical
Way too smart to be waiting around
Tai chi practicing
Snowboard champion
I could fix the flat on your car
I might even be a rock star
Sometimes I wish when the phone rings
That it would be you
Saying let's hang out
Then you confess
That there's something special between us
Why don't we find out
[PRE 2]
you don't even know me
Guess you don't need me
Why you're not seein' what you're missin'
On the outside shyin' away
On the inside dyin' to say
I'm unusual
Not so typical
Way too smart to be waiting around
Tai chi practicing
Snowboard champion
I could fix the flat on your car
I might even be a...
...rock star
If you only knew the real me
I might even be a rock star
I'm telling you that we are meant to be
Now wouldn't it be nice if you could see
That I really am a rock star
I'm unusual
Not so typical
Way too smart to be waiting around
Tai chi practicing
Snowboard champion
I could fix the flat on your car
Rocking it where ever we are
One in a Million : Hannah Montana
I turned around and there you were
I didn't think twice
Or rationalize
cause somehow I knew
That there was more than just chemistry
I mean I knew you were kinda of into me
But I figured it's too good to be true
I said pinch me
Where's the catch this time
Can't find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get used to this guy
They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I can't believe it, (whoa oh)
You're one in a million
All this time I was looking for love
Trying to make things work, that weren't good enough
Til' I thought I'm through, said I'm done
And stumbled into the arms of the one
You're making me laugh about the silliest stuff
Say that I'm your diamond in the rough
When I'm mad at you
You come with your velvet touch
Can't believe that I'm so lucky
I have never felt so happy
Every time I see that sparkle in your eye
I said pinch me
Where's the catch this time
Can't find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get used to this guy
They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you
were a million to one
I cannot believe it (o woah)
They say that good things take time
All this time I was looking for love
Trying to make things work
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I cannot believe it (o woah)
You're one in a million... one in a million
All this time I was looking for love
Trying to make things work
They weren't good enough till
I thought I'm through
Said I'm done
And stumbled into the arms of the one
You're one in a million
Well this song is really special to me! "I say pinch me where's the catch this time...cant find a single cloud in the me before I get used to this guy...they say that good things take time...but really great things happen in a blink of an eye, thought the chance is to meet somebody like you in a million to are one in a million.."...
I love these lines...this has happened to me in reality and I exactly know how special you feel when something like this happens to you! Apart from that I dont just like Hannah Montana cause she has great music and geat voice but also because her lyrics are superb! They mean so much and all are reality...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
but it finally happened to me
that all my nights and my days
are lost in the search of the ways
he said...
he showed...
he took...
he walked, with me, on...
He said...
life's not sweet and not so fine
but then he showed...
how even in bitterness we smile
he captured my dreams and took away my soul
holding my hand tight in his,
he took me to where I today stand
it's fine...
it's bright...
it's happy and just so right here
but when I turn
I dont see...
the one who brought me; beside me
He said...
he only meant to make things right for me
He showed...
where he wants me to be
but then he took...
his hand out of mine
wanting me to live on and still shine
But how...?
when in need... I am...
of the one I trust...
of the one I treasure...
the same one who taught me life even
in the darkest face of time...
I shall walk on these ways
with all glories and gifts
happiness showering on me...
My path's golden by am in drifts
cause it hurts...
to be... without him here...
it pains...
to move ahead... knowing he isnt waiting for me there...
Yet I go on... with memories in mind and
cause he wants me to...
...He said!
written by (me) Luna Lovegood on 11th October 2008
Well I want to say that I recently, nearly 6 - 7 months back got to know a guy whom now I adore so much that some call it addiction. This is for him to tell him that he made a huge difference to me...THANKS...and I shall treasure him and the difference always!
A tribute to Professor
treasures one hold...
quest to reach
a treasure precious than Gold.
striving through the darkness
through the blur skies
deep into the secrets
in where the Draconian Devil resides
the powers of Mother Earth
had never been se pure
came, to help us himself
the almighty God -
"Wonders lie beneath you,
of treasures unknown
future is uncertain,
but your good deeds lay sown!"
Oh! Lame Saint
father of heaven,
illuminate the path
reaching to our destination.
With angels quiding you,
and a will to know,
you have made you way
to where, even uncertainity bows.
A truth is revealed,
hence a secret broken
solves the mystery;
our something's stolen!
The journey doesnt end...
you stand where you started
a new path lay hidden again...
...treausres untold
treasures one hold
quest to reach...
a treasure precious than Gold.
...written by (me) Luna Lovegood on 28th May 2007
Well, the poem is really dear to me and if you have read Dan Brown's Robert Langdon series, you shall know what I talk of. This poem is exclusively dedicated to Robert Langdon whom I call Professor and ofcourse to the genious behind another - Dan Brown.
Hats off to the two!
Welcome to My Blog!
This is Luna Lovegood...okie fine Luna isnt my real name but I use this name whenever I write something...and I am using my blog to write and so here the name is Luna!
But actually -
this is Shruti. I am a teen age girl and to be honest I love to talk and love to write...someone suggested me to blog and so am here...
I am a science student but I got a huge penchant for arts and so you can guess I love alot of things...One of them is writing - I write fan fictions, stories, novels, biographies, poems and articles! I shall share all this with you and hope to know what you say of them...
hope you shall like the blog and the stuff I post...all comments and suggestions are most welcome!
A little drama is required
Being an Indian, I can totally bet that you can just never get enough of drama. You may hate it yet you can’t escape it. I think that w...
Updated May 27, 2017: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Scene 1 We are in a water park where all water swings are there and stuff... people have come here for picnic and they are enjoying rides...