Very honestly... the plot is weak.. I mean... its like the protagonist is summoned to Washington by some cheating... and then he is following a trail he himself doesnt believe in... so being a fan.. I too doubt what we are reading... as there is no idea what we are looking for and absolutely no one to help... it gets a little more difficult...
and the biggest of the weaknesses I guess is that not many people will believe like half of the book characters havent believed in the mystery!
Anyways, however the plus points are its more evil... the villian is a maniac... a true one this time.. he is the evil planner and executor... he has great knowledge and gives perfect competetion to Professor Langdon.
Also, you would love to read about America... the mysteries revealed indeed proves that America is no less mysterious than Rome or Paris!!
Going a little sequence wise... the story is related to Robert Langdon. He is summoned to Washington for a lecture by the PA of his mentor - Peter Solomen. However, on reaching there, Professor discovers that there is no such lecture but Peter is in trouble. Years ago, Peter trusted Professor with a package... it was supposed to 'bring order from chaos'... now Professor finds himself holding the secrets of the ancient Masons sealed for more than 3 generations. He is asked to reveal the secret by the maniac who just wants enlightment by knowing the truth.
The female this time is Katherine... she is elder to Professor.. so no love interest :P ... she is Peter's younger sister and Robert is the only friend she finds in all the grave times... though she and Robert werent great friends but she knew that Peter trusted him well and so she too trusts him... and as it is he was the only friend in all strangers!
Now... Once Professor and Katherine are together.. they are supposed to find what the ancient Mason mystery has to say... Peter's life depends on this and so the anxious Katherine is ready to unlock all mysteries which the other members of the brotherhood warm Langdon that they are even more precious and shouldnt be revealed...
The main sciences shown this time are the Noetic Sciences... there isnt much of sci - fi in this book but if you read the book.. you are bound to search alot on noetics.. 'thoughts have mass!!!!' and yea all the ancient texts are full of sciences advanced than we are today!! So do read them!!!!
CIA chief is directly involved in the matter treating it as a matter of National Security which no one understands how it is... Sato.. the chief is a lady and very much dominating.. she is shown evil but turns out to be good...
In the end.. ofcourse everyone is rescued.. the maniac doesnt find the lost word - the word which would reveal wisdom when let out... indeed he turns out to be one of the family of Peter... and again we have some family feuds which if I let out will take away the mystery..
Finally... the word when revealed leaves Professor and everyone in uttermost shock!!
All I wanna personally say is - I agree to the word's potential and have no doubts about it.. indeed I respect it alot and I know I will need to read the word soon along with other ancient texts having the advance sciences but I hated risking Professor's life for the word when I can get it for him... However.. this book is a true 'cant be put down'!!!
Loved it.. and you should read it!
even better than Angels and Demons ??? :-O ... got to get it pretty soon I blv ...
I will suggest that!
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